Under R200
Medinilla magnifica
Great semi tropical shrub with large pendulas pink flowers. Best suited to a pot as it enjoys being root bound. These are 3 year old bushy plants in 3l packets. A much sort after plant. 1 year to blooming. Up country a good indoor plant! We also hive the more uncomon Speciosa for sale on this sit...
Anthurium vittarifolium Seedling
Anthurium vittarifolium Seedling Grown from our own mother plants. These have long narrow leaves, Seedling has leaves 7+- cms leaves. Rare.2 year old plants
Philodendron lacerum top cuttings
Philodendron lacerum top cuttings Easy to grow. Great indoor plants for cooler areas. This is per large cuttingÂ
Australian Tree Fern
 Tree Fern Alsophila dregei Also known as an Australian Tree Fern. This is for a small plant . These if looked after can grow up to 2 meters!
Seed Aristolochia gigantea
10 Fresh Seeds of Giant Dutchmans Pipe (Aristolochia gigantea)Fast-growing Creeper that can withstand frost. Huge flowers with a lovely lemon smell, Growing instructions
Typhonodorum lindletanum "Water Banana"
Typhonodorum lindletanum Giant arum lily/ Mauritian water banana. For ponds & dams. Grows up to 1.5 m This is for a seedling ,plant. Looks like an Elephant ear plant on steriods!
Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Pink & Blue x2 plain green leaves
Bromeliad Special 2 plants for R50.00. Out of packet
Blue Ginger Dichorisandra thyrsiflora
Dichorisandra thyrsiflora or blue ginger is a species of tropical flowering plant which resembles ginger in growth and habit, but is actually related to the spiderworts. The plant is native to the tropical woodlands of North, Central and South America, especially in Atlantic Forest vegetation in ...
Shampoo ginger zingiber spectabile
Well grown seedlings . These will flower in approx 2 years. They do go dormant in winter (photos of the seedling for sale .) Flowers are of the mother plants. Used in traditional hair remedies. All gingers have a natural anti fungal/ antibiotic property! This is for one plant. Â
Philodendron gloriosum
Philodendron gloriosum This is a photo of the plants for sale. Well-rooted and vigorous growing plants
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Rawhide' Varigated cast iron plant
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Rawhide' cast iron plant ]This is for a well-established root division in pot . Great foliage and can be used for Bridal Bouquets
Moss pots for terariums
Moss growing in 7.5cms pots for terrariums, fairy gardens etc. This is not spaghnum moss.
Hibiscus Double Red
 It's a distinctive evergreen flowering plant. one of the best perennial flowering plant and fast growing.
Ginger- Alpina purpurata (Red Ginger)
Delightful red flowering ginger. Grows into a clump in flower beds. It is also edible. Warm area. Very well established plants in bags. it's flowering size plantsÂ
Venus Fly Trap
These are bunches that can be divided into singular plants. Full Sun and stand in a bit of rainwater. Contact us if you would like to purchase wholesale for resale ie. Flea Markets etc as we can supply large numbers from our lab.These small plants are growing in 5 CMS pots.
Heliconia Angusta cv Holiday
This ia a rhisome that we post. Grows to approx 1 meter. has red and white bracts.Excellent as a cut flowerBlooms Spring to Summer.Semi Tropical.
Veltheimia Dark Pink
Veltheimia bracteata In frost-free regions that have rainfall throughout the year, Veltheimia bracteata is almost evergreen. The handsome glossy green, fleshy leaves are broadly strap-shaped with crisped or wavy margins and form an approximately 250 mm high by 350 mm wide rosette at the base of t...
Slow Release Fertilizer 15.3.12
This is a 8 month slow release fertilizer. Apply twice to pot plants during summer season. Good for orchids and all pot plants. 250 gms packet.
Anthurium hookeri Seedling
Anthurium hookeri Seedling Birds Nest Anthurium for sale. These are well established 1.5year seedlings as per photo. Great foliage anthurium.
Seeds Aristolochia grande. Pelican Plant. Seahorse.
Seeds Aristolochia grande. Pelican Plant. Seahorse. This is a fast grower/climber. Can grow in cooler climates too. Like it cousin the Giant Dutchmans Pipe. 10 seeds to a packet. Harvested from our own plants. Flowers can be up to 60 cms long! Does have an odour.
Seeds Loofah (Loofa Sponge)
Loofah Seeds This is for a packet of 10 seeds. Germination has been tested. Collected from our own plants. Fruits and flowers are edible. Plant against a fence or trellis as it growers like a cucumber! Dry and make your own bath sponges.
Tillandsia usneoides 'Spanish Moss or Grandfathers Beard TypeA
Tillandsia useneodes Type A This is also known as Grandfathers Beard ot Spanish Moss.Hang in trees.Does NOT bloom. This is for quite a big bunch!!
Stapelia dummeri (Orbea dummeri)
Stapelia dummeri (Orbea dummeri) Great small growing stapelia. Great ground cover
Bromeliad billbergia nutans "Queens Tears"
This has the most colorful and striking flowers. These are for single divisions from our plants.
Aechmea gasmosepala Lucky stripe Matchsticks (Blue & pink flowers ) variegated leaves
Low growing with shiny variegated leaves leaves .Bluish spikes. Mutilpies very quickly. We also have the lime green available.
Anthurium Lilac
Anthurium lilac Nice bushy plants in flower Most incredible lilac blooms. Flowers all year round. Great indoor plants as well! These are flowering plants in 15cms pots
Medinilla speciosa
This Medinilla with round stems makes tight clusters of pink flowers. Unlike its well known sister (Magnifica) once the flower is finished it makes clusters of purple grapes which adds colour for a few more months ! We do have Magnifica available. on this site.
Calathea orbiflora (Prayer Plant) Plant
These are well grown plants! Warm shaded area. Great houseplants! Photos of the plant for saleÂ
White Torch Ginger Etlingera Seeds
The tropical plant can grow 2m tall with flowers coming from the rhizome up to 1 meter with huge protea like flowers. This is a packet of 10 + seeds
Seed Musa velutina Pink Banana
Fresh Seed. Germination tested. 10 seeds to a packet. Soak in water fro 3 days and plant into seedling tray.
Tillandsia usneoides 'Spanish Moss or Grandfathers Beard Type B Flowering
Tillandsia usneoides 'Spanish Moss or Grandfathers Beard Type B Flowering This is for a large handfull ! Has little green yellow flowers on the points.
Aeranthes ramosa
Aeranthes ramosa is native to Madagascar. It grows epiphytically on tree trunks at an altitude of up to 1400 meters in most forests in east-central Madagascar, where it is endemic. These are potted keikies. 2 years to flowering
Fertilizer 20.20.20 with trace elements
This can be used as a foliar feed, especially on indoor plants and Orchids. Recommended doage is 1 Teaspoon dissolved in 5L water. Approc 220gms
Anthurium pigs tail rothchildianum marble chip
 photos of the plants For sale first photo of the mother plant in flower . White background with slpahes of red!
Grow Pole/ Moss Pole 65mm x1.00 m
Grow pole from durable recycled plastic. Use it with coir, moss or bark. Strong and sturdy. Available in 3 diameters, 45mm, 65mm and 90mm diameter. All 1 meter length.
Anthurium huegelii Seedling
Anthurium huegelii seedlings  SeedlingThese are well established anthurium seedlings ( 2 Years)grown from our own stock. They have huge paddle like leaves