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    (Ginger) Costus osae

    R 195.00 

    6 month slow release Fertlizer 16.8.12 +2

    R 50.00 

    Achimenes longiflora (Cupids Bow)

    R 95.00  R 150.00

    Aechmea cylindrata blue

    R 60.00  R 95.00

    Aeranthes ramosa

    R 150.00 

    Aeschynanthus black pagoda, (Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant)

    R 325.00 

    African dog rose. Xylotheca kraussiana

    R 295.00 

    Agalonema Maria

    R 120.00 

    Aglaomorpha drynariodes rare fern

    R 295.00  R 495.00

    Albuca bracteata. Pregnant onion

    R 50.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Alocasia macrorrhiza Variegata

    R 325.00  R 495.00

    Alpinia renealimia ginger (medical)

    R 195.00  R 250.00

    Alpinia zerumbet 'Green Shell Ginger'

    R 150.00  R 175.00

    Anaheim pepper Colorado/ California pepper chillies

    R 50.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Ananas comosus var. variegatus variegated pineapple

    R 295.00  R 395.00

    Ansellia Dusty Compact x Speckles

    R 250.00 

    Anthurium No 1

    R 195.00 

    Anthurium compact

    R 295.00  R 495.00

    Anthurium compact multi stemmed. Special

    R 395.00 

    Anthurium cordatum

    R 150.00 

    Anthurium Coriaceum

    R 95.00 

    Anthurium hookeri young plants

    R 95.00  R 175.00

    Anthurium huegelii young plants

    R 150.00 

    Anthurium Lilac

    R 175.00  R 225.00

    Anthurium macroloblium ( A.Claarinerium x A. pedatoradiatum )

    R 150.00 

    Anthurium No 2

    R 195.00 

    Anthurium No 3

    R 195.00 

    Anthurium No 4

    R 195.00 

    Anthurium No 5

    R 195.00 

    Anthurium No 6

    R 195.00 

    Anthurium pigstail

    R 170.00 

    Anthurium plowmanii

    R 195.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Anthurium white No7

    R 175.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Anthurium willdenowii

    R 250.00  R 395.00

    Aristea ecklonii Blue corn Lily

    R 95.00  R 120.00

    Aristolochia Gigantea

    R 295.00 

    Aristolochia grandeflora (Pelican Creeper)

    R 150.00  R 195.00

    Aspidestra Green cast iron plant

    R 100.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Rawhide' Varigated cast iron plant

    R 160.00 

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    We pride ourselves on deliviering a professional service to every customer.

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    We will will only ship healthy premium specimins.

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