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    Under R200

    Calathea orbiflora (Prayer Plant) Plant

    R 120.00 

    Tillandsia - Schiedeana

    R 120.00  R 150.00

    Aeranthes ramosa

    R 150.00 

    Seed Musa velutina Pink Banana

    R 40.00 

    Begonia sol mutata (Sun changing begonia)

    R 160.00  R 200.00

    Tumeric Ginger

    R 95.00  R 120.00

    Stapelia leendertzia

    R 95.00 

    Epidendrum orange orchid ground)sun

    R 175.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Episca dianthiflora ( lace vine)

    R 95.00  R 150.00

    Anthurium huegelii young plants

    R 150.00 

    Climbing Birdsnest Fern Polypodium Polycarpon

    R 95.00  R 120.00

    Orthophytum glabrum

    R 60.00 

    Alpinia zerumbet 'Green Shell Ginger'

    R 150.00  R 175.00

    Bromeliad Pink Pineapple Annas bracteatus

    R 95.00 

    Hibiscus Snow Queen Variegated

    R 170.00 

    Hibiscus Morning Star

    R 170.00 

    Globba schomburgkii

    R 150.00 

    Seeds Lavender Banana Musa itinerans

    R 35.00 

    Aspidistra sichuanensis Spotted Cast Iron Plant

    R 120.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Huernia volkartii var. repens (Stapelia)

    R 150.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Kohleria hirsuta

    R 120.00  R 175.00

    watch_later Sold Out

    Bromeliad Plutonis cv Von Neoregelia Concentrica

    R 50.00 

    Billbergia amoena var.Rubra

    R 50.00  R 95.00

    Stanhopea tigrina x jenischiana seedling.

    R 160.00  R 220.00

    Heliconia Strawberries and Cream

    R 195.00 

    Hibiscus Silver Pearl

    R 175.00 

    Maxillaria meleagris

    R 175.00 

    Oncidium Coaco x Oncidium Catante

    R 195.00 

    Pilea involucrata

    R 50.00 

    Achimenes longiflora (Cupids Bow)

    R 95.00  R 150.00

    Pedilanthus tithymaloide zigzag

    R 65.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Bromeliad Aechemea spectabillis

    R 150.00 

    Eucharis grandiflora "Amazon Lily"

    R 170.00 

    Cissus amazonia

    R 195.00  R 295.00

    watch_later Sold Out

    Epidendrum Crown Valley Bannersday x Pacific Girl (King)

    R 175.00 

    Purple Louisiana irises

    R 100.00 

    Heliconia Aurantiaca

    R 195.00 

    Murraya koenigii Curry Tree

    R 120.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Orthophytum gurkenii

    R 95.00 

    Bromeliad Aechmea recurvata var. Benrathii

    R 60.00  R 120.00

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    We pride ourselves on deliviering a professional service to every customer.

    Quality Products

    We will will only ship healthy premium specimins.

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    We are always here to assist with the best advice for your new flowers/ plants.