Under R200
Calathea orbiflora (Prayer Plant) Plant
These are well grown plants! Warm shaded area. Great houseplants! Photos of the plant for sale
Aeranthes ramosa
Aeranthes ramosa is native to Madagascar. It grows epiphytically on tree trunks at an altitude of up to 1400 meters in most forests in east-central Madagascar, where it is endemic. These are potted keikies. 2 years to flowering
Seed Musa velutina Pink Banana
Fresh Seed. Germination tested. 10 seeds to a packet. Soak in water fro 3 days and plant into seedling tray.
Tumeric Ginger
Tumeric Ginger and turmeric are easy to grow and you can have your own constant supply of these beneficial herbal roots. Sold bare rooted
Epidendrum orange orchid ground)sun
Epidendrum orange orchid ground.sun plants in photo is the plant for sale " Poor mans Orchids!
Anthurium huegelii young plants
Anthurium huegelii young plants Young plants These are well established anthuriums nice young plants 2 Years)grown from our own stock. They have huge paddle like leaves
Climbing Birdsnest Fern Polypodium Polycarpon
Climbing Birdsnest Fern Polypodium Polycarpon This can grow along a flowerbed and even up tree stumps and Tree ferns. This is for a healthy division.
Orthophytum glabrum
A very handsome species from Minas Gerais, Brazil with stiff, glabrous or shiny yellow-green, coppery tinted leaves in a spreading rosette. The leaves tend to grow in a slightly recurving spiral and have large, serrate teeth on the margins.
Alpinia zerumbet 'Green Shell Ginger'
Shell Ginger Aplinia zerumbet Fast-growing into large clumps. Beautiful pendulous clusters of flowers. Sold as bare rooted rhizomes
Bromeliad Pink Pineapple Annas bracteatus
These are great for flower arrangements and due to their sharp thorny leaves, they make good security plants near fences!
Hibiscus Snow Queen Variegated
Vibrant red, single, brings elegance and poise to the chaos of color brought on by the brilliantly variegated foliage which is randomly splashed in shades of rosy pink, white, and green. The tropical effect created by Snow Queen's foliage and flowers is sure to bring a cool fire to any tropical ...
Globba schomburgkii
Globba schomburgkii (Dancing Girl Ginger) is a plant in the Ginger family that is native to tropical regions of India, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand. Dancing Girl Ginger is fast growing, produces pretty yellow flowers and is widely added to recipes across south Asia. It is deciduous and dies back...
Seeds Lavender Banana Musa itinerans
Lavender Banana Musa itinerans Grows to a height of 3m + Close relative to the edible bananas. 10 seeds to a packet.
Aspidistra sichuanensis Spotted Cast Iron Plant
Aspidistra sichuanensis Spotted Cast Iron PlantA very hardy plant that is nearly indestructible! Best grown in semi-shade. Also quite drought resistant. From China. These are in two-liter bags.
Huernia volkartii var. repens (Stapelia)
Huernia volkartii var. repens (Stapelia)From Zimbabwe/ Mozambique. Small growing cacti. For sale. These grow long! Photo of the plant for sale
Kohleria hirsuta
Kohleria hirsutaThis plant blooms threw out Summer. Bright flowers, Has rhisomes that can be split. Goes dormant in winter. Plant without flowers is plants for sale
Bromeliad Plutonis cv Von Neoregelia Concentrica
Light shade of mauve with interesting speckles on leaves. Sent bare rooted.
Billbergia amoena var.Rubra
Red with loverly white flowers .Good for mounting on trees.Low maintenance
Stanhopea tigrina x jenischiana seedling.
These are well established seedlings per photo. New cross by the late Ray Aldsworth (Howick) done in our lab . Photo is of the two parents flowers!
Heliconia Strawberries and Cream
Blooms most of the year . Grows to 1.2m. Normally 3 to 5 bracts of red pink and cream. Widely used for floral arrangements.Easy grower
Maxillaria meleagris
It is a small growing species that produces masses of flowers (like little fireworks – very appropriate for today) once bulbs mature. Flowering size plant in pot.
Oncidium Coaco x Oncidium Catante
This is a new cross by Paul Roos. The photo is of the two parents. These plants are now flowering size.
Pilea involucrata
Pilea involucrata, commonly called the friendship plant, is a bushy trailing plant which is sometimes cultivated, especially where high humidity can be provided, such as in a terrarium. It is native to Central and South America This a nice size plant in 7.5 cm pot
Achimenes longiflora (Cupids Bow)
This is a little rhisome that goes dormant in winter and emerges in Spring. Don't throw your pot away! Really rewarding and once you have them they come up everywhere😁sold in small pots.
Pedilanthus tithymaloide zigzag
Tithymaloide zigzag Great variegated colour leaves with dark green pink and white.Can also be used in flower arranging. nice size plants
Bromeliad Aechemea spectabillis
Grows to approx 1m high and flower spikes approx 1m. These will be sent bare-rooted as they are large plants.
Eucharis grandiflora "Amazon Lily"
These grow from bulbs, and have extraordinary snow-white flowers like icing sugar. Grow in the shade.
Cissus amazonia
Cissus amazonia Sold in a hanging basket. Great indoor plant with silver markings. Low light. Plant in photo is the plant for sale
Epidendrum Crown Valley Bannersday x Pacific Girl (King)
This is a cross between two well know "King" epis. Known for the large blooms. Easy grower. Flower are red. Flowering size.
Purple Louisiana irises
The rhizomes grow close to the surface of the soil. 5 bare rooted rhizomes of the purple water iris
Heliconia Aurantiaca
Short growing Heliconia's. Grows to 1 meter .Flowers spring and summer.Loverly golden bracts.Lasts up to one month as a cut flower.Semi Tropical Areas.These are posted as a rhisome
Murraya koenigii Curry Tree
This is a tree that grows up to 3 meters. The leaves are used either to chew or to flavor curries and stew. These plants are well established and are in 3 liter bags.
Orthophytum gurkenii
Orthophytum gurkenii is a plant species in the genus Orthophytum. The bromeliad is endemic to the Atlantic Forest biome within Minas Gerais state, located in southeastern Brazil. Snake patterned leaves. Height @12cms. There is apparently a few form of this plant.
Bromeliad Aechmea recurvata var. Benrathii
This is a very small brom that looks similar to an air plant photos of the plants for sale