Medinilla magnifica
Great semi tropical shrub with large pendulas pink flowers. Best suited to a pot as it enjoys being root bound. These are 3 year old bushy plants in 3l packets. A much sort after plant. 1 year to blooming. Up country a good indoor plant! We also hive the more uncomon Speciosa for sale on this sit...
Anthurium vittarifolium nice plants
Anthurium vittarifolium nice plants Grown from our own mother plants. These have long narrow leaves, Seedling has leaves 7+- cms leaves. Rare.2 year old plants
Shampoo ginger zingiber spectabile
Established young plants . These will flower in approx 2 years. They do go dormant in winter (photos of the plants for sale .) Flowers are of the mother plants. Used in traditional hair remedies. All gingers have a natural anti fungal/ antibiotic property! This is for one pot of plant. Can be gr...
Vanilla planifolia
These are well rooted cuttings for sale This orchid creeper. The vanilla essence is made from seeds. It requires warm, humidity and partial shade. Flowers need to be hand pollinated to produce the seed pod (bean) that is used for flavouring.
Australian Tree Fern
Tree Fern Alsophila dregei Also known as an Australian Tree Fern. This is for a small plant . These if looked after can grow up to 2 meters!
Ginger- Alpina purpurata (Red Ginger)
Delightful red flowering ginger. Grows into a clump in flower beds. It is also edible. Warm area. Very well established plants in bags. it's flowering size plants
Heliconia giyana New offer.
This is a pissitacorum heliconia ( short growing 1.2m. Easy grower and great cut flower. Also known in some circles as Lady Di. These are rhizomes for sale. ( Bare rooted)
Moss pots for terariums
Moss growing in 7.5cms pots for terrariums, fairy gardens etc. This is not spaghnum moss.
Philodendron gloriosum
Philodendron gloriosum This is a photo of the plants for sale. Well-rooted and vigorous growing plants
Hibiscus Double Red
It's a distinctive evergreen flowering plant. one of the best perennial flowering plant and fast growing.
Medinilla speciosa
This Medinilla with round stems makes tight clusters of pink flowers. Unlike its well known sister (Magnifica) once the flower is finished it makes clusters of purple grapes which adds colour for a few more months ! We do have Magnifica available. on this site.
Piper nigrum Black Pepper Vines
First photos of our mother plants next photo of the plant for sale These vines are semi tropical growing. They do best (for corn production) on pillars. See You Tube! The photos are of the well rooted plants you will get. Semi Tropical areas. Last photos of the plants for sale
Venus Fly Trap
These are bunches that can be divided into singular plants. Full Sun and stand in a bit of rainwater. Contact us if you would like to purchase wholesale for resale ie. Flea Markets etc as we can supply large numbers from our lab.These small plants are growing in 5 CMS pots.
Veltheimia Dark Pink
Veltheimia bracteata In frost-free regions that have rainfall throughout the year, Veltheimia bracteata is almost evergreen. The handsome glossy green, fleshy leaves are broadly strap-shaped with crisped or wavy margins and form an approximately 250 mm high by 350 mm wide rosette at the base of t...
Anthurium pigstail
These are starting to flower for the first time. Flowers may be Red, Orange or Marble Chip ( White spached with red) Mature . We cannot guarantee specific colour as yer.
Anthurium hookeri young plants
Anthurium hookeri young plants Birds Nest Anthurium for sale. These are well established 1.5year plants as per photo. Great foliage anthurium.
Jade Vine Strongylodon macrobotrys
From the Philippines, so it is tropical. Grow in Sun against a fence or pergola to get best display of the long trusses of turquoise flowers. The last photos show the plants in pots for sale. Very well rooted plants done by cuttings.
Pink Bananaplants Musa valentino Established small plants
The pink banana is a tropical perennial in the Musaceae or banana family that is generally grown as an ornamental and has decorative fruits in subtropical climates. It typically grows to 4 to 6 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide. It is hardy to zone 7b to 11. The leaves are large, paddle-shaped, dark...
Calathea orbiflora (Prayer Plant) Plant
These are well grown plants! Warm shaded area. Great houseplants! Photos of the plant for sale
Begonia sol mutata (Sun changing begonia)
These are for nice size plants The last photos of the plants for sale
Aspidistra sichuanensis Spotted Cast Iron Plant
Aspidistra sichuanensis Spotted Cast Iron PlantA very hardy plant that is nearly indestructible! Best grown in semi-shade. Also quite drought resistant. From China. These are in two-liter bags.
Peacock fern (Selaginella willdenowii)
Peacock ferns have frond-like branches on elongated climbing stems. The leaves appear blue from certain angles, but can also appear purple or brown depending on the light. These are well rooted plants.
Noni Fruit Tree Morinda citrifolia
These are young established plants as per photo from imported seed. The fruits have beneficial properties. Can be grown in large pots! Plants for sale are in Black pots as per photo.
Pilea involucrata
Pilea involucrata, commonly called the friendship plant, is a bushy trailing plant which is sometimes cultivated, especially where high humidity can be provided, such as in a terrarium. It is native to Central and South America This a nice size plant in 7.5 cm pot
Achimenes longiflora (Cupids Bow)
This is a little rhisome that goes dormant in winter and emerges in Spring. Don't throw your pot away! Really rewarding and once you have them they come up everywhere😁sold in small pots.
Eucharis grandiflora "Amazon Lily"
These grow from bulbs, and have extraordinary snow-white flowers like icing sugar. Grow in the shade.
Purple Louisiana irises
The rhizomes grow close to the surface of the soil. 5 bare rooted rhizomes of the purple water iris
Murraya koenigii Curry Tree
This is a tree that grows up to 3 meters. The leaves are used either to chew or to flavor curries and stew. These plants are well established and are in 3 liter bags.
Hibiscus tiliaceus variegata
Water. Water variegated sea hibiscuses regularly, year-round. ... Pruning. For the most part, hibiscus plants can be lightly pruned in late summer or early fall, but no hibiscus pruning should be done during late fall or winter. ... Fertilizer. Flower- Very rare (Variegated form)
Trinidad Skorpion Chocolate Chilli/ Pepper
This comes from one of the hottest chilli's ! Great producer. Can be grown as a pot plant and easy to grow. Use sparingly in your kitchen recipes and sauces !
Cissus quadrangularis
Cissus quadrangularis is basically the answer to the sidelined bodybuilder's prayer, because not only is its extract supposed to heal tendons and broken bones faster, it's also supposed to reduce pain and inflammation and act like an anabolic steroid. So basically you're looking at a product that...
Black Bat Flower (Tacca chantrieri)
It is an unusual plant in that it has black flowers. T. chantrieri has bracts that look like wings and are large in area. The flower can be up to 15 cms across. Grow in semi shade and keep damp..not wet. Now being used in the treatment of multiple This plant is unusual due to its black flowers. ...
Gynura aurantiaca. Purple Passion Plants
Purple Velvet Plant is an herbaceous perennial in the Asteraceae family is commonly grown as a houseplant. It is best displayed in a hanging basket and is noted for its unusual velvety purple leaves and stems. Bright, indirect light with protection from the afternoon sun will result in the best ...
Brassoepidendrum Orchidglade.
This cross Brassovola nodosa x Epi ibaguaense is an easy one to grow. Bright light.
(Ginger) Costus osae
Costus osae Part of the Ginger family. This plant has great furry leaves and brilliant red flowers. It also makes a good pot plant. Can be deciduous in winter. First photo of the mother plant next of the plants for sale