Novion Biostimulant This has microbial residues, natural proteins, and amino acids. Natural Fungicide. I highly recommend this product. I have used it for 3 months on my Orchids as a Foliar Spray evry 2 weeks at 20ml per 1 liter water with 20ml kelp/Seagrow added. Already the root growth and leaf...
Slow Release Fertilizer 15.3.12
This is a 8 month slow release fertilizer. Apply twice to pot plants during summer season. Good for orchids and all pot plants. 200 gms packet.
Fertilizer 20.20.20 with trace elements
This can be used as a foliar feed, especially on indoor plants and Orchids. Recommended doage is 1 Teaspoon dissolved in 5L water. Approc 220gms
Secateur Sanitizer
Spray onto Secateurs/Pruning Shears and wipe off each time you cut a plant. This should always be practised to stop transferance of Viruses and other diseases from plant to cuttings.
Beads/seeds. Zulu Teething Beads or Jobs Tears. Coix lacryma
They are therefore perfect to use as beads for making necklaces, prayer beads, rosaries, and other ornamental or decorative items 1. They are smooth and cool to the touch and have been used by Zulu women to soothe teething babies for many generations. seeds may be planted and grown. Similar to a ...
Polystyrene verti gro pots ( 2nd hand good condition)
Set of 8 pot in a set for sale good condition can send by courierÂ