Vanilla planifolia
These are well rooted cuttings for sale This orchid creeper. The vanilla essence is made from seeds. It requires warm, humidity and partial shade. Flowers need to be hand pollinated to produce the seed pod (bean) that is used for flavouring.
Dendrobium kingianum
Dendrobium kingianum is an extremely easy orchid that anyone can grow. It's a fast-growing orchid that tolerates a wide range of conditions, making it perfect for the beginning orchid grower. Its long-lasting blooms (flowers last around a month) also produce a beautiful fragrance. Sold in @ 12cms...
Aeranthes ramosa
Aeranthes ramosa is native to Madagascar. It grows epiphytically on tree trunks at an altitude of up to 1400 meters in most forests in east-central Madagascar, where it is endemic. These are potted keikies. 2 years to flowering
Oncidium Twinkle 'Shiraz' x Gomesa Crispa
Small growing orchid that will get masses of blooms. (Maroon) slight fragrance. (New hybrid)
Stanhopea tigrina x jenischiana seedling.
These are well established seedlings per photo. New cross by the late Ray Aldsworth (Howick) done in our lab . Photo is of the two parents flowers!
Epidendrum orange orchid ground)sun
Epidendrum orange orchid ground.sun plants in photo is the plant for sale " Poor mans Orchids!
Phaius tankervilleae "Nuns Cap Orchid"
This is a terrestrial Ground lover) orchid that grows well in shaded areas and slightly damp. Flowers in late Autumn or early spring. Interesting flowers as the back is white as if the flower is laminated..hence Nun Cap! Plant up to 76cms. Flowers can reach 90 cm. This is for divisions of floweri...
Maxillaria meleagris
It is a small growing species that produces masses of flowers (like little fireworks – very appropriate for today) once bulbs mature. Flowering size plant in pot.
Oncidium Coaco x Oncidium Catante
This is a new cross by Paul Roos. The photo is of the two parents. These plants are now flowering size.
Epidendrum Crown Valley Bannersday x Pacific Girl (King)
This is a cross between two well know "King" epis. Known for the large blooms. Easy grower. Flower are red. Flowering size.
Liparis condylobulbon
Liparis condylobulbon These are easy to grow. I call them my "Spring Onion Orchids" Quickly grow into specimen plants. These are sold in half bowl pots
Epigeneium cymbidioides
Epigeneium cymbidioides Easy to grow and enjoys cooler area/ It flowers for us mid-winter July/August. Does have a slight perfume.
Cymbidium Australian Midnight 'Black Beauty"
Cymbidium Australian Midnight "Black Beauty' (Cym. canaliculatum X Cym. atropurpureum) is a warm growing primary hybrid that will bloom with Oxblood-Black flowers on pendulant spikes. These bloom in Spring with up to 40 dark maroon flowers on pendant stems. These are flowering size plants in 3L b...
Brassoepidendrum Orchidglade.
This cross Brassovola nodosa x Epi ibaguaense is an easy one to grow. Bright light.
Epidendum Sun Valley Dragon Fruit x Crown Valley 'Banners Rest'
These are classified as the category of King Epi's being a larger flower. They are a lovely orange.
Mormolyca ringens
From Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica as a small to medium sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte found on trees in dense humid forests from sealevel to 1400 meters, with clustered, arising from a wiry rhizome,
Dendrobium Burana Jade Variegated
These are strong seedlings grown from imported flasks. Very good variegation as per photo. 1-2 yrs to flowering.
Blc.Petch x (LC.Lake Cachuma 'New Spring x Arie Heerma 'Mendenhall')
This is a cross made by Howard Eades. The photo is of the first plant of this cross to flower. Plants for sale 2 yrs to blooming
Prosthechea garciana
Flowers all year long. Encyclia garciana needs large amounts of indirect sunlight for it to release its distinctive fragrance as it flowers. It can be fed every two weeks using half-strength orchid fertilizer. The orchid for sale is mounted on wood.
Polystachya piersii
These are natural to Kenya. Very rare. These were grown by seed tissue culture. Plants are flowering size.
Pholidota umbricata. "Rattle Snake Orchid"
Maintain even moisture and high humidity. Constant air movement is also important. Fertilizer: Half-strength balanced fertilizer during the growing cycle, once a week. Flowers are pendant and open in concentric circles. Flowering size. Flowers late Summer to Autumn
Ansellia Dusty Compact x Speckles
Also known a a Leopard Orchid. They are indigenous to Southern Africa. This is for a 4 yeald old compact growing plant. Flowering size.
Coelogyne mayeriana
This orchid loves to climb do we sell it mounted on to wood. Regular bloomer. Flowering size.
Miltonia spectabilis x Milt. Sunset
This is a new cross made by Howard Eades. These are near flowering size.
Peristeria elata Dove Orchid
Warm Growing Terrestrial Orchid from Panama and surrounding Countries This rare and beautiful species is native to Panama and surrounding countries. Plants are usually seen growing at or very close to the ground in layers of rich humus and decaying plant material. Known by many nicknames 'Dove ...
Dendrobium macrophyllum
Grows approx 30cms. Flowers are very hairy! Quite rare. Easy grower. This is for flowering size divisions. "Pastors Orchid"
Dendrobium keithii Orchid
Plants should be grown in moderate light with warm to hot temperatures. Keep plant moist and fertilize during growth season. During winter reduce watering until new shoots appear. Grow in a well drain mix of sphagnum moss or medium fir bark. Laot of customer buy the plant due to it leaves alone! ...
Bulbophyllum ambrosia
Bulbophyllum ambrosia Dainty small striped flowers. Interesting tubular psuedobulbs.
Flask Coelogyne (Dendrochillum) cobbianum
Grown from selfed seed, Approx 15 plus plantlets per flask.
Micropera palida
A genus of 17 species distributed from northeast India to New Guinea. Grow plants of Micropera in pots or baskets of medium-grade epiphyte mixture. Provide intermediate temperatures, bright light levels, and regular watering throughout the year. Given their vining nature, most of the root system...
Bulbophyllum mastersianum
Bulbophyllum mastersianumVery easy to grow. Likes warmth and moisture. Very rewarding. Grown on a bark/moss bag mount.