Newest Products
These are our newest additions to our store. We add as our production is ready to go to new homes. Our collections are always growing. Welcome to send us your wish list to see if we can find for you!
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Bromeliad Neoregelia Compacta for 2 plants
Great for a mass bed. The dark maroon leaves are seperated with a dark stripe before the green leaf of the plant. Shade loving.
Bromeliad Canistrum aurantiacum
romeliad Canistrum aurantiacum This is a large brom. The flower resembles a Tulip!
Bromeliad Aechmea royal wine
Bromeliad Aechmea royal wine These broms are in flower June/July. Shipped bare rooted. Great Orange pendant blooms!
Bromeliad Aechmea recurvata var. Benrathii
This is a very small brom that looks similar to an air plant photos of the plants for sale
Bromeliad Aechemea spectabillis
Grows to approx 1m high and flower spikes approx 1m. These will be sent bare-rooted as they are large plants.
Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Pink & Blue x2 plain green leaves
Bromeliad Special 2 plants for R50.00. Out of packet
Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Orange & Lime Green x2
Bromeliad Special 2 Plants for R50.00! Sent out of packet
Blue Ginger Dichorisandra thyrsiflora
Dichorisandra thyrsiflora or blue ginger is a species of tropical flowering plant which resembles ginger in growth and habit, but is actually related to the spiderworts. The plant is native to the tropical woodlands of North, Central and South America, especially in Atlantic Forest vegetation in ...
Billbergia amoena var.Rubra
Red with loverly white flowers .Good for mounting on trees.Low maintenance
Australian Tree Fern
Tree Fern Alsophila dregei Also known as an Australian Tree Fern. This is for a small plant . These if looked after can grow up to 2 meters!
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Rawhide' Varigated cast iron plant
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Rawhide' cast iron plant ]This is for a well-established root division in pot . Great foliage and can be used for Bridal Bouquets
Aspidestra Green cast iron plant
Aspidestra Green cast iron plant This if for well grown plant a 15cms pot. Great for flower arrangements
Aristolochia Galeata Odessa Nova
Aristolochia Odessa Nova This Pipe creeper has smaller flowers that its sisters. The flowers are just about black with a protuding prounounced lip
Anthurium vittarifolium Seedling
Anthurium vittarifolium Seedling Grown from our own mother plants. These have long narrow leaves, Seedling has leaves 7+- cms leaves. Rare.2 year old plants
Anthurium Lilac
Anthurium lilac Nice bushy plants in flower Most incredible lilac blooms. Flowers all year round. Great indoor plants as well! These are flowering plants in 15cms pots
Anthurium huegelii Seedling
Anthurium huegelii seedlings SeedlingThese are well established anthurium seedlings ( 2 Years)grown from our own stock. They have huge paddle like leaves
Alpinia zerumbet 'Green Shell Ginger'
Shell Ginger Aplinia zerumbet Fast-growing into large clumps. Beautiful pendulous clusters of flowers. Sold as bare rooted rhizomes
Aloe vera
Aloe vera Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that's been used to treat various health conditions for thousands of years. Sent bare rooted.
Aeranthes ramosa
Aeranthes ramosa is native to Madagascar. It grows epiphytically on tree trunks at an altitude of up to 1400 meters in most forests in east-central Madagascar, where it is endemic. These are potted keikies. 2 years to flowering
Aechmea gasmosepala Lucky stripe Matchsticks (Blue & pink flowers ) variegated leaves
Low growing with shiny variegated leaves leaves .Bluish spikes. Mutilpies very quickly. We also have the lime green available.
Tillandsia cyanea
Tillandsia cyaneaFlowers lasts a long time . Easy to grow. This particular one is a species and grows taller than the hybrids of cyanea
Bromeliad Pink Pineapple Annas bracteatus
These are great for flower arrangements and due to their sharp thorny leaves, they make good security plants near fences!