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    Newest Products

    These are our newest additions to our store. We add as our production is ready to go to new homes. Our collections are always growing. Welcome to send us your wish list to see if we can find for you!
    We Courier every Tuesday!

    Bromeliad Neoregelia Compacta for 2 plants

    R 50.00  R 120.00

    Bromeliad Canistrum aurantiacum

    R 195.00  R 295.00

    Bromeliad canistropsis burchellii

    R 50.00  R 95.00

    Bromeliad Aechmea royal wine

    R 120.00 

    Bromeliad Aechmea recurvata var. Benrathii

    R 60.00  R 120.00

    watch_later Sold Out

    Bromeliad Aechemea spectabillis

    R 150.00 

    Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Pink & Blue x2 plain green leaves

    R 50.00  R 120.00

    Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Orange & Lime Green x2

    R 50.00  R 120.00

    Blue Ginger Dichorisandra thyrsiflora

    R 175.00 

    Billbergia amoena var.Rubra

    R 50.00  R 95.00

    Australian Tree Fern

    R 50.00 

    Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Rawhide' Varigated cast iron plant

    R 150.00 

    Aspidestra Green cast iron plant

    R 100.00 

    Aristolochia Galeata Odessa Nova

    R 250.00 

    Anthurium vittarifolium Seedling

    R 160.00  R 395.00

    Anthurium Lilac

    R 175.00  R 225.00

    Anthurium huegelii Seedling

    R 150.00 

    Alpinia zerumbet 'Green Shell Ginger'

    R 120.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Aloe vera

    R 75.00 

    Aeranthes ramosa

    R 150.00 

    Aechmea gasmosepala Lucky stripe Matchsticks (Blue & pink flowers ) variegated leaves

    R 65.00 

    Aechmea cylindrata blue

    R 50.00  R 95.00

    Tillandsia cyanea

    R 195.00 

    Monadenium guentheri

    R 75.00 

    Bromeliad Pink Pineapple Annas bracteatus

    R 95.00 

    Professional Services

    We pride ourselves on deliviering a professional service to every customer.

    Quality Products

    We will will only ship healthy premium specimins.

    Aftersales Support

    We are always here to assist with the best advice for your new flowers/ plants.