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    Newest Products

    These are our newest additions to our store. We add as our production is ready to go to new homes. Our collections are always growing. Welcome to send us your wish list to see if we can find for you!
    We Courier every Tuesday!

    Pachira Nut Trees ( Pachira aquatica)

    R 150.00 

    Water Lily Blue (Indigenous)

    R 220.00 

    Cymbidium Australian Midnight 'Black Beauty"

    R 595.00 

    Monstera stitepecana

    R 350.00 

    African dog rose. Xylotheca kraussiana

    R 295.00 

    Hoya compacta Hindu Rope

    R 325.00 

    Aeschynanthus black pagoda, (Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant)

    R 295.00 

    Strobilanthes dyeriana Persian shield

    R 250.00 

    Costus stenophyllus bamboo ginger

    R 395.00 

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    Black Bat Flower (Tacca chantrieri)

    R 325.00 

    Chonemorpha frangipani fragrans

    R 450.00 

    Dendrobium Burana Jade Variegated

    R 200.00 

    Tapeinichlius ananasae (ginger)

    R 225.00 

    Peacock fern (Selaginella willdenowii)

    R 350.00 

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    Dendrobium macrophyllum

    R 600.00  R 1,200.00

    Calathea White Fusion

    R 195.00 

    Hibiscus acetosella

    R 170.00 

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    Alocasia macrorrhiza Variegata

    R 325.00  R 495.00

    Hibiscus tiliaceus variegata

    R 295.00 

    Cieba pentandra Trees (Thornless Kapok Tree) SEEDS

    R 35.00 

    Pink Torch Ginger

    R 250.00 

    Torch Ginger Red Etlingera

    R 250.00 

    Spekboom Portulacaria afra

    R 150.00 

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    Hoya heuschkeliana

    R 150.00 

    Philodendron White Wizard

    R 120.00  R 295.00

    Bromeliad Aechmea pineliana var. minuta

    R 120.00 

    Bromeliad Nidularium longiflorum

    R 95.00 

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    Polypodium fallax crested Fern

    R 295.00 

    Philodendron sodiroi

    R 595.00 

    Caladium bicolor'Florida Sunrise'

    R 250.00 

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    colocasia Pharaohs Mask

    R 325.00 

    Thunbergia erects blue

    R 150.00  R 195.00

    Water lily Almost Black Nymphaea

    R 250.00 

    Hibiscus Monet

    R 170.00 

    Gynura aurantiaca. Purple Passion Plants

    R 150.00 

    Eucharis grandiflora "Amazon Lily"

    R 170.00 

    Asplenium bulbiferum (mother fern)

    R 95.00  R 150.00

    Graptophyllum Chocolate

    R 125.00  R 175.00

    Hibiscus Torino (Single Bright Orange)

    R 170.00 

    Hibiscus Tango (Double Cerise Pink)

    R 170.00 

    Professional Services

    We pride ourselves on deliviering a professional service to every customer.

    Quality Products

    We will will only ship healthy premium specimins.

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    We are always here to assist with the best advice for your new flowers/ plants.