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    Newest Products

    These are our newest additions to our store. We add as our production is ready to go to new homes. Our collections are always growing. Welcome to send us your wish list to see if we can find for you!
    We Courier every Tuesday!

    Hoya monetteae

    R 295.00 

    Anthurium Coriaceum

    R 95.00 

    Anthurium macroloblium ( A.Claarinerium x A. pedatoradiatum )

    R 150.00 

    Flask Coelogyne (Dendrochillum) cobbianum

    R 295.00 

    Flask Phaius wallichii x Phaius tankervilleae alba

    R 295.00 

    Philodendron pink princess

    R 395.00 

    Hoya liagerum

    R 325.00 

    Aristolochia Gigantea

    R 295.00 

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    Cercestis mirabilis

    R 350.00 

    Philodendron Red Emerald (Philodendron Erubescens) top cuttings

    R 50.00 

    Philodendron squamiferum

    R 650.00 

    Philodendron Florida Beauty

    R 550.00 

    Anthurium compact multi stemmed. Special

    R 395.00 

    Flower and Fruit slow release Fertilizer 5.1.5 (33)

    R 40.00 

    6 month slow release Fertlizer 16.8.12 +2

    R 50.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Hoya erythrostemma (sukhirin narathiwat)

    R 250.00 

    Hoya macrophylla White margins

    R 295.00 

    Hoya fungii

    R 325.00 

    Hoya pubycalix red button

    R 395.00 

    Hoya bicolour

    R 395.00 

    Hoya Mathilda

    R 225.00 

    Micropera palida

    R 175.00 

    Coelogyne mayeriana

    R 325.00 

    Miltonia spectabilis var moreliana

    R 220.00 

    Coelia bella

    R 295.00 

    Coelogyne lawrenceana

    R 320.00 

    Ansellia Dusty Compact x Speckles

    R 250.00 

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    Begonia sizemoreae ( hairy Begonia)

    R 325.00 

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    Begonia Pustulata

    R 175.00 

    Begonia Rex Hugh Mclanghlin

    R 195.00 

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    Begonia polka dot ( white flowers)

    R 120.00 

    Rex Begonia

    R 175.00 

    Bromeliad Aechmea farinosa

    R 95.00 

    Bromeliad Nidulardia rutilans ( Pink Rose)

    R 95.00 

    Calathea rufibara

    R 195.00 

    Mangave 'Pineapple express'

    R 295.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Anthurium white No7

    R 175.00 

    Anthurium No 6

    R 195.00 

    Anthurium No 5

    R 195.00 

    Anthurium No 4

    R 195.00 

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    We pride ourselves on deliviering a professional service to every customer.

    Quality Products

    We will will only ship healthy premium specimins.

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    We are always here to assist with the best advice for your new flowers/ plants.