Newest Products
These are our newest additions to our store. We add as our production is ready to go to new homes. Our collections are always growing. Welcome to send us your wish list to see if we can find for you!
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Aristea ecklonii Blue corn Lily
Aristea ecklonii ( blue corn Lily) strong plants plants in photos of the plant for sale
Philodendron Xanadu
ilodendron Xanadu, it is quite tough and competitive, so grows well under trees or in crowded plantings. It takes anything from full sun to full shade. Xanadu is occasionally grown as an indoor plant, first photo of mother stock last of plants for sale
Chorophtum orchidatum
Chlorophytum orchidastrum The green orange spider plant is native to the seasonally dry tropical regions of West Africa. It is an evergreen, herbaceous perennial in the asparagus family ... strong plants plants for sale in photos
Birds eye chili
Bird's eye chili or Thai chili is a chili pepper variety from the species Capsicum annuum that is native to Mexico strong plants
Secateur Sanitizer
Spray onto Secateurs/Pruning Shears and wipe off each time you cut a plant. This should always be practised to stop transferance of Viruses and other diseases from plant to cuttings.
goethea strictiflora (Pavonia strictiflora)
Pavonia strictiflora (Goethea) is a native tropical plant of Brazil. This attractive, evergreen shrub, stands with an upright form up to 1.2m tall, making it an ideal choice for garden. Also can be grown in a pot. It has an elegant look with its red or crimson flowers emerging directly from the s...
Alpinia renealimia ginger (medical)
General Information Renealmia alpinia is a herbaceous perennial plant that can grow from 1 - 6 metres tall from a rhizome that can be 10 - 30cm thick. The plant often forms large colonies nice small plants 331 , 850 ].The plant is harvested from the wild ...
Brassoepidendrum Orchidglade.
This cross Brassovola nodosa x Epi ibaguaense is an easy one to grow. Bright light.
Blc.Petch x (LC.Lake Cachuma 'New Spring x Arie Heerma 'Mendenhall')
This is a cross made by Howard Eades. The photo is of the first plant of this cross to flower. Plants for sale are blooming size.
Bromeliads Vriesea yellow ( coming in to flower)
Bromeliads Vriesea yellow ( coming in to flower) nice plants
Bromeliad Bilbergia pyramidalis
This makes a great display. Easy to grow in semi-shade. Hardy! We can supply in quantity for landscapers. Shipped bare rooted.
Prosthechea garciana
Flowers all year long. Encyclia garciana needs large amounts of indirect sunlight for it to release its distinctive fragrance as it flowers. It can be fed every two weeks using half-strength orchid fertiliser. It is best cultivated in medium bark mixed with moss and perlite.
WaterLily Nymphaea 'Le Vesuve'
'Vésuve' is a classic red lily which is valued for its long flowering period - Sent bare rooted (Out of pot) to save damage in transport.
Hibiscus Snow Queen Variegated
Vibrant red, single, brings elegance and poise to the chaos of color brought on by the brilliantly variegated foliage which is randomly splashed in shades of rosy pink, white, and green. The tropical effect created by Snow Queen's foliage and flowers is sure to bring a cool fire to any tropical ...
Philodendron White Wizard
Photos of the plants for sale philodendron white knight Young plant from TC. Already developing variegation.
Guzmania monostachia
Semi shade. Stunning red on white flower. Rare. It will be couriers out of packet.
Thunbergia mysorensis "Ladys Slipper Vine"
Grow in full sun. Pendant flowers. Also known as the Indian Clock Vine.
Dendrobium keithii Orchid
Plants should be grown in moderate light with warm to hot temperatures. Keep plant moist and fertilize during growth season. During winter reduce watering until new shoots appear. Grow in a well drain mix of sphagnum moss or medium fir bark. Laot of customer buy the plant due to it leaves alone! ...
Monstera deliciosa borgsiana 'Albo'
This plant can be collected from nursery in the pot. If we courier it will be sent bare footed out of pot to avoid damage.
Jade Vine Strongylodon macrobotrys
This is a semi tropical creeper that has amazing green (turquoise) chain of pendant flowers. Very sought after. Grow in full Sun.