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    these plants are best grown on a trellis, fence or portico..

    watch_later Sold Out

    Vanilla planifolia

    R 295.00 

    Moss pots for terariums

    R 35.00 

    Philodendron gloriosum

    R 195.00  R 250.00

    watch_later Sold Out

    Piper nigrum Black Pepper Vines

    R 295.00  R 325.00

    Jade Vine Strongylodon macrobotrys

    R 460.00 

    Aristolochia grandeflora (Pelican Creeper)

    R 150.00  R 195.00

    watch_later Sold Out

    Episca dianthiflora ( lace vine)

    R 95.00  R 150.00

    Tecomanthe Venusta

    R 250.00 

    Peacock fern (Selaginella willdenowii)

    R 350.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Aglaomorpha drynariodes rare fern

    R 295.00  R 495.00

    Peperomia prostrata (String of Turtles)

    R 195.00  R 295.00

    watch_later Sold Out

    Ladys slipper Vine. Thunbergia mysorensis.

    R 295.00  R 420.00

    Philodendron hastatum

    R 395.00  R 475.00

    Philodendron melanochrysum

    R 345.00  R 595.00

    watch_later Sold Out

    Peperomia scandens variegated

    R 75.00  R 150.00

    Aeschynanthus black pagoda, (Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant)

    R 295.00 

    ExoticFlora.Co.Za Gift Card

    R 100.00 

    Rhaphidophra Decursi

    R 175.00 

    Philodendron lemon and lime

    R 225.00  R 395.00

    African dog rose. Xylotheca kraussiana

    R 295.00 

    philodendron bannoniaepho

    R 395.00  R 495.00

    Philodendron Florida Beauty

    R 425.00  R 595.00

    Philodendron painted lady

    R 495.00  R 695.00

    Philodendron Bipennifolium [Horse Head]

    R 450.00  R 695.00

    Monstera obliqua

    R 325.00  R 525.00

    Anthurium compact

    R 295.00  R 495.00

    Scindapsus pictus

    R 195.00  R 350.00

    Rhaphidophora decursiva

    R 195.00 

    Monsters stitepcana

    R 350.00  R 495.00

    Peperomia scandens variegated.

    R 150.00 

    Philodendron scandens micans hanging baskets

    R 195.00  R 250.00

    Professional Services

    We pride ourselves on deliviering a professional service to every customer.

    Quality Products

    We will will only ship healthy premium specimins.

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    We are always here to assist with the best advice for your new flowers/ plants.