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    Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Pink & Blue .

    R 50.00  R 120.00

    Aechmea cylindrata blue

    R 60.00  R 95.00

    watch_later Sold Out

    Bromeliad billbergia nutans "Queens Tears"

    R 120.00 

    Bromeliad Bilbergia pyramidalis

    R 50.00  R 220.00

    Bromeliad canistropsis burchellii

    R 50.00  R 95.00

    Orthophytum glabrum

    R 60.00 

    Bromeliad Pink Pineapple Annas bracteatus

    R 95.00 

    Bromeliad Plutonis cv Von Neoregelia Concentrica

    R 120.00 

    Billbergia amoena var.Rubra

    R 50.00  R 95.00

    Bromeliad Aechemea spectabillis

    R 195.00 

    watch_later Sold Out

    Orthophytum gurkenii

    R 95.00 

    Bromeliad Aechmea recurvata var. Benrathii

    R 60.00  R 120.00

    Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Orange & Lime Green x2

    R 50.00  R 120.00

    Cryptanthus Bivittatus x 2

    R 60.00 

    Bromeliad Neoregelia Compacta

    R 50.00  R 120.00

    Bromeliad Nidularium innocentii var lineatum

    R 150.00 

    Bromeliads Neoregelia Hojo Rojo

    R 65.00 

    Bromeliad Vriesea Shanon

    R 95.00  R 145.00

    Bromeliad Vriesea Ospinae

    R 95.00  R 150.00

    Bromeliad Aechmea macrochlamys

    R 120.00  R 195.00

    Bromeliad Nidularium_procerum

    R 95.00  R 150.00

    Bromeliad Neoregelia Aztek x Fireball

    R 120.00  R 165.00

    Bromeliad Canistrum aurantiacum

    R 195.00  R 295.00

    Bromeliad Nidularium longiflorum

    R 95.00 

    Bromeliad Aechmea comata

    R 75.00 

    ExoticFlora.Co.Za Gift Card

    R 100.00 

    Bromeliads Vriesea yellow ( coming in to flower)

    R 95.00  R 175.00

    Bromeliads Aechmea Caudata variegated

    R 95.00  R 195.00

    Brom Guzmania Lingulata ( red )

    R 175.00  R 250.00

    Bromeliad Vriesea Hybrid Golden Yellow

    R 150.00 

    Bromeliad Quesnelia arvensis

    R 195.00  R 250.00

    Bromeliad Aechmea royal wine

    R 120.00 

    Bromeliad Aechmea pineliana var. minuta

    R 120.00 

    Guzmania monostachia

    R 250.00 

    Bromeliad Neoregelia Stars and stripes

    R 50.00  R 165.00

    Bromeliad Neoregelia Bossa Nova

    R 120.00  R 195.00

    Bromeliad Neoregelia roseo-lineata

    R 75.00 

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    We pride ourselves on deliviering a professional service to every customer.

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    We will will only ship healthy premium specimins.

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