Best Value For Money
Got some extra chash? add some of these low priced beauties to your order
Seeds Pineapple chilli Aji pineapple
This is for 10Â freh seeds. Harvested from our own stock and germination tested.
Seeds Habenero Chilli
The habanero is a hot variety of chili. Unripe habaneros are green, and they color as they mature. The most common color variants are orange and red, 10 seeds
Seed Aristolochia gigantea
10 Fresh Seeds of Giant Dutchmans Pipe (Aristolochia gigantea)Fast-growing Creeper that can withstand frost. Huge flowers with a lovely lemon smell, Growing instructions
Seeds Lavender Banana Musa itinerans
Lavender Banana Musa itinerans Grows to a height of 3m + Close relative to the edible bananas. 10 seeds to a packet.
Thornless Kapok Tree Seeds( Ceiba pentandra)
7Thornless Kapok Tree ( Ceiba pentandra)  These trees have amazing green colour trunks/ stems that swell out to a good diameter. Height apprix 15m Flowers produce a cotton that can be spun and wooven! Great feature trees. 10 seeds to a packet.
Moss pots for terariums
Moss growing in 7.5cms pots for terrariums, fairy gardens etc. This is not spaghnum moss.
Ginger Renealmia Alpinia Seeds
Great clumpiing plant. The beautiful flowers also have a medincinal use Each packet contains 10 + seeds.
Beads/seeds. Zulu Teething Beads or Jobs Tears. Coix lacryma
They are therefore perfect to use as beads for making necklaces, prayer beads, rosaries, and other ornamental or decorative items 1. They are smooth and cool to the touch and have been used by Zulu women to soothe teething babies for many generations. seeds may be planted and grown. Similar to a ...
Cieba pentandra Trees (Thornless Kapok Tree) SEEDS
These are fresh seeds that are collected from our own tree. 10+ seeds to a packet. Ceiba pentandra is a tropical tree of the order Malvales and the family Malvaceae, native to Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, northern South America, and West Africa. A somewhat smaller variety has been i...
Seed Musa velutina Pink Banana
Fresh Seed. Germination tested. 10 seeds to a packet. Soak in water fro 3 days and plant into seedling tray.
Seeds Aristolochia grande. Pelican Plant. Seahorse.
Seeds Aristolochia grande. Pelican Plant. Seahorse. This is a fast grower/climber. Can grow in cooler climates too. Like it cousin the Giant Dutchmans Pipe. 10 seeds to a packet. Harvested from our own plants. Flowers can be up to 60 cms long! Does have an odour.
Malabar spinach seeds
10 fresh seeds Malabar spinach is an excellent source of iron besides calcium, Vitamin A, magnesium, and protein. It also has ample amounts of phosphorus and potassium besides B-complex vitamins such as folate, Vitamin B6, and riboflavin. Its fresh leaves have amazing antioxidants such as lutein,...
Secateur Sanitizer
Spray onto Secateurs/Pruning Shears and wipe off each time you cut a plant. This should always be practised to stop transferance of Viruses and other diseases from plant to cuttings.
Billbergia amoena var.Rubra
Red with loverly white flowers .Good for mounting on trees.Low maintenance
Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Orange & Lime Green x2
 Bromeliad Special 2 Plants for R50.00! Sent out of packet
Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Pink & Blue .
Bromeliad Special Sold bare rooted (Out of packet) This plant quickly multiplies and forms a mass of colour when in bloom.
Bromeliad Neoregelia Compacta
Great for a mass bed. The dark maroon leaves are seperated with a dark stripe before the green leaf of the plant. Shade loving.
Bromeliad Plutonis cv Von Neoregelia Concentrica
Light shade of mauve with interesting speckles on leaves. Sent bare rooted.
Dianella ensifolia variegata x5
 Dianella ensifolia variegata x5 Great edging plant and pretty drought resistant. Adds colour to a flower bed. This is for 5 plants (Divisions sent bare rooted)
Slow Release Fertilizer 15.3.12
This is a 8 month slow release fertilizer. Apply twice to pot plants during summer season. Good for orchids and all pot plants. 200 gms packet.
Pilea involucrata
Pilea involucrata, commonly called the friendship plant, is a bushy trailing plant which is sometimes cultivated, especially where high humidity can be provided, such as in a terrarium. It is native to Central and South America This a nice size plant in 7.5 cm pot Â
Haworthia cymifromis
Plants in photos is plants for sale Haworthia cymbiformis is a species of the genus Haworthia in the family Asphodelaceae, endemic to the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa.Â
Trinidad Skorpion Chocolate Chilli/ Pepper
This comes from one of the hottest chilli's ! Great producer. Can be grown as a pot plant and easy to grow. Use sparingly in your kitchen recipes and sauces !
Anaheim pepper Colorado/ California pepper chillies
Anaheim pepper Colorado / California chilli This chilli is available all year around, but they're best in the summer. When the pods are mature and red it is called a 'Chilli Colorado' or 'California
Fertilizer 20.20.20 with trace elements
This can be used as a foliar feed, especially on indoor plants and Orchids. Recommended doage is 1 Teaspoon dissolved in 5L water. Approc 220gms
Bromeliad Bilbergia pyramidalis
This makes a great display. Easy to grow in semi-shade. Hardy! We can supply in quantity for landscapers. Shipped bare rooted.
Australian Tree Fern
 Tree Fern Alsophila dregei Also known as an Australian Tree Fern. This is for a small plant . These if looked after can grow up to 2 meters!
Bromeliad Aechmea recurvata var. Benrathii
This is a very small brom that looks similar to an air plant photos of the plants for saleÂ
Orthophytum glabrum
A very handsome species from Minas Gerais, Brazil with stiff, glabrous or shiny yellow-green, coppery tinted leaves in a spreading rosette. The leaves tend to grow in a slightly recurving spiral and have large, serrate teeth on the margins.
Cryptanthus Bivittatus x 2
Cryptanthus BivittatusPart of the Bromeliad family,. Great for terariums and green houses. The easy to grow plant is rewarding and multiplies quite quickly. 2 plantlets for only R60.00
Pineapple Chilli Aji
These are sold growing in pots. Delightful fruity flavour. and very productive mild heat chilli for your garden. Medium sized plants produce loads of bright yellow chillies. Aji Amarillo is one of the most commonly grown chillies in Peru and used extensively in cooking, chilli paste and sauce ma...
Aechmea gasmosepala Lucky stripe Matchsticks (Blue & pink flowers ) variegated leaves
Low growing with shiny variegated leaves leaves .Bluish spikes. Mutilpies very quickly. We also have the lime green available.
Bromeliads Neoregelia Hojo Rojo
Neoregelia Hojo Rojo The attraction is the dark leaves of the plant. Good for colour definition in a garden bed.Great for mounting on trees and stumps