Indoor & Outdoor Plants
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Rawhide' Varigated cast iron plant
Aspidistra sichuanensis 'Rawhide' cast iron plant ]This is for a well-established root division in pot . Great foliage and can be used for Bridal Bouquets
Bromeliad (Match Stick) Aechmea gamosepala Pink & Blue x2 plain green leaves
Bromeliad Special 2 plants for R50.00. Out of packet
Bromeliad Aechemea spectabillis
Grows to approx 1m high and flower spikes approx 1m. These will be sent bare-rooted as they are large plants.
Bromeliad Plutonis cv Von Neoregelia Concentrica
Light shade of mauve with interesting speckles on leaves. Sent bare rooted.
Bromeliad vriesa incurvata
Bromeliad vriesa incurvata These have great colour fan flowers. Flowers are very long-lasting. Excellent indoor plants!
Kohleria hirsuta
Kohleria hirsutaThis plant blooms threw out Summer. Bright flowers, Has rhisomes that can be split. Goes dormant in winter. Plant without flowers is plants for saleÂ
Liparis condylobulbon
Liparis condylobulbon These are easy to grow. I call them my "Spring Onion Orchids" Quickly grow into specimen plants. These are sold in half bowl pots